Python Developer

Python Developer
Company: ITProton Pvt Ltd
Experience: 2 – 4 years
Location: Pune
Time and Venue
20th September – 24 September , 9.30 AM – 3.00 PM
301/302, Jai ganesh vishwa, 2nd floor, Vishrantwadi, pune 15
Contact – Ttrupti Prasad ( 8888874400 )
Job Description
- We are looking for an experienced Python developer .You will be responsible for writing and testing scalable code, developing back-end components, and integrating user-facing elements in collaboration with front-end developers.
UG :BCA in Computers
PG :MCA in Any Specialization, MCM in Computers and Management
Key Skills:
- Project Management
- Coding
- python syntax
- testing and debugging
- developing back end components
- developing digital tools
- Integrating data storage solutions